Why Can't Guys Upload Shirtless Pics?

Here is a list of content we consider to be unacceptable in our Community's photos:

  • anything obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, or suggestive
  • swimwear indoors
  • shirtless/underwear mirror selfies

To elaborate, a male shirtless photo is fine in a beach, pool, or water park setting, and on top of that, outdoor activities where being shirtless makes sense, such as hiking or rock climbing, are also fine. With limited exceptions, all other male shirtless photos are not permitted. Shirtless gym photos are not permitted, nor is being casually shirtless around the house, in a locker room, or a bathroom (no mirror selfies!). These standards are designed to roughly equate to our female swimsuit/sports bra photo standards. We do our best to be fair and consistent in what photos we ask people to remove.

Refer to our Community Guidelines for more info.

If you're looking for some tips on what photos to use, read this blog post!

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