Why did one or more of my matches disappear?

A match will last forever so long as neither party ends the match. If you haven't talked to someone in a while, then they've probably moved to your archived section. A match will move to your archived section if neither of you sends a message after 30 days.

If one of your matches has disappeared, then one of the following things has occurred:

  1. The person you matched with unmatched you.
  2. The person you matched with deleted their account.
  3. You unmatched them.
  4. You have signed into the wrong Mutual account.
    1. Each login method (Phone Number, Google, & Apple) will create a unique account. It is common for people to create a second account by mistake.
    2. If you are signed into the wrong Mutual account, go to Account>Settings>Log Out to return to the login screen. From there, you can try different logins to see if you can find the correct account.

*Please note that an unmatch is irreversible, even accidental ones. We apologize for the inconvenience!

If you are concerned that you might have lost a match for a different reason than the ones listed above, please reach out to us at support@mutual.app!

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