Is Mutual free?

Mutual is free! There is no trial or time limit on the free version of the app, so you can use it for as long as you want! The free version of Mutual allows you to swipe on, match with, and talk to anyone you can see on the app. Once you match with someone, then you can talk to them for as long as you want for free!

Common Questions

  • Why can't I find the people who have liked me in the normal swiping queue?
    • People who have liked you are generally visible in the normal swiping queue! However, depending on your current filters, their current filters, and their current location they may or may not be visible at different times. We encourage you to widen your filters if you are looking for someone specific! We do not hide people from you if you are not subscribed to MutualUP.
  • Why can't I talk to people without matching with them?
    • You can! Sending someone a Note or Comment on their profile will allow them to get your message before they swipe up on you. The reason we limit to one message prior to matching is to ensure that no one can be spammed or harassed. Once you match, you can send as many messages as you like.
  • Why can't I talk to people as soon as I make my account?
    • In order to protect everyone on Mutual, we review and approve each new Mutual profile manually. We do not allow these profiles to message or be viewed by others until they have been approved. Your swipes still count, but will not be visible to others until your account is approved. We do this to catch scammers and catfish before they have a chance to target others on the app.
  • Is my account visible to others if I don't have MutualUp?
    • Your profile is visible to everyone who has compatible filters regardless if you have MutualUp or not.

We have premium features that can be unlocked by purchasing MUTUAL UP to enhance your Mutual experience. MUTUAL UP unlocks features such as gaining access to a special queue of users who have swiped up on you, additional search filters, unlimited double-takes, ward hopping to other cities/countries around the world, amongst other features.

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