Share mutualDates
Want to share a date with a friend? Currently you cannot send a purchased date to others but you can help them find it in the app. Share the dates by following these steps:
Via in-app messages
- Open the Mutual app on your smartphone
- Go to your messages (bubble conversations icon) at the bottom in the middle
- Tap onto the person you want to share a date with
- Tap the ice cream icon to the left of the chat box
- Select the date you wish to purchase
- Tap the “Suggest this date to [Name]” button underneath the ‘Purchase’ button
Via alternate platform
- Open the Mutual app on your smartphone
- Tap the ice cream icon on the bottom right
- Select the date you wish to purchase
- Tap the 📤 icon (share) in the top right corner
- Select the platform you wish to send it through
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